Power, you ask? Whadya mean by that?
Sometimes we caught up in day to day routines without thinking about the creations we manifest on a daily basis. Yes we create our day. From the time we awake in the morning until we fall asleep at night, we are creating our reality through our thoughts and actions. It is the quality of those thoughts and actions which can dictate your perception/judgement of the day you are living.
Therein lies your power. It is a power that comes from within. Your sure knowledge of who you are and what you choose to think. Your choice of how you view a situation controls how strong (and what type of) an emotional response to that situation will be. If you are looking at (or judging) external sources as the "cause" for a given situation, you are giving your power away. We always have a choice in how to react, judge, or label any situation. Realizing this, gives us the power AND the responsibility for everything we experience in this existence.
Taking responsibility for everything in your life is a key component to utilizing your power. Examining and being aware of your thoughts will give a good idea of whether you are using your power or not. Your emotions provide guidance as to where your thoughts are leading you. The emotions are the key to letting you know what type of energy you are vibrating. Remember, whatever energy you are vibrating is what you will eventually attract more of.
So the power is in you. It it is always there. It is up to you as to how you use it.
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People should read this.
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