Sometimes the darkness closes in upon us. Or so it seems at the time. Challenges always arise at one point or the other. Some days it may seem as if that is all there is. The thing to keep in mind during those moments is that
you are providing the perspective on that challenge or ‘
darkness’. It is just a situation that you created. You can un-create it. This is a difficult concept for most of us to accept.
Taking responsibility for everything in your life is the first step to understanding. Most of us have a habit of blaming external sources for things that “happen” to us. I know did. There is always something (or someone) conveniently available to lay blame on. That is the path of least resistance. The harder path is to look in the mirror and accept that you created it. But this path also allows you to recognize your power as a creator. The vibrations that you create through your thoughts and emotions will match-up to your results. What are you focused on? Take a moment to examine (or re-examine) the conditions within you that led up to the situation. Can you find some correlation? These concepts reflect back to the
Universal Laws of
Vibration and
Realizing that you are a source rather than an effect of a situation puts you in control. You realize that, yes, you are responsible. The safe harbor is within you. It was there all along. You can make a difference in how you choose to view a situation. The darkness is merely something that can be pushed through to the light. The
Law of Polarity tells you that there MUST be light if there is darkness; even if it is just perceived.
One way of realizing the safe harbor within you is through the practice of
Ho’oponopono. Through this practice you acknowledge your responsibility for everything in your world and cleanse the negativity from it. A book written by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, titled "
Zero Limits" provides a very good description of Dr. Len’s method and the benefits that can be attained from it. I have read it and highly recommend it. With some practice and application, you too can find that safe harbor within you.
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