
Meeting the challenge

from Shakespeare: "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt."

Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by circumstances appearing in our life. The temptation is to judge the circumstance and lay blame on an outside source. Maybe label it negatively and then feed that emotion with more negativity. These judgements of the circumstances can prevent us from moving forward with an action due to the emotional fear generated. Reacting to fear is our biggest inhibitor to reaching our potential.

I have been dealing with very interesting challenges in my life lately due to decisions I've made several months ago. I had a well paying job as an engineer that I gave up to "pursue my passion" and explore/discover my true nature. I was led to this action from a series of circumstances/events that occured over the previous few years (looking back on it). If you are familiar with the movie "The Secret" and its coverage of the Law Of Attraction, then you'll understand when I say it was a major catalyst for my decision. Being trained as an engineer, I felt the need to analyze and study the concepts till I fully understood what was being taught. I found this an all-consuming task (and a never-ending one). The main thing I've learned is that there is more to the Universal Laws than just the Law Of Attraction. So much more as covered in previous posts. The lessons and teachers I have come across during this study have been invaluable to me. While my understanding is at best grade-school level, the changes in my life and attitudes towards it have been amazing. These changes in me have allowed me to deal with my challenges in a completely different manner than I would have previously.

Using tools like the Ho'oponopono method described in Joe Vitale's book Zero Limits and the Manifesting Miracles course from Nick Arandes have enabled me to handle the 'waves' of challenge that have come my way since I took "the leap". The lessons (circumstances) I have manifested in the past few months are the stepping stones on my path to discovering who I really am. I know that the illusions of these circumstances will be revealed as I continue to travel on my chosen path. I recommend you meet your challenges head-on and use whatever tools resonate with you to help you along on your journey. Namaste

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