What are the connections in your life?
We develop all kinds of connections as we travel along the path of life. There is the human kind: friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, people who provide us various services. There is the material kind: money, home, cars, boats, furniture, TVs, PCs, food, drink, and drugs. And there is the spiritual kind: religion, spirituality, atheism, agnosticism. We tend to allow these connections to govern how we progress (or not) through life. Focus on any singular “connection” and loss of balance and perspective can occur.
Balance is key. If you focus entirely on one aspect, the other areas will suffer. Can you think of some area that takes-up too much of your thoughts and energy? Looking at that area from an objective perspective (big picture) may be helpful. We see many examples of extreme 'connection' to substances, people, places, and/or things. The
Law of Cause and Effect
states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.” If you focus on one area of your life and ignore others, the consequences of those actions will become apparent as you travel your path.
The ancient Hawaiians practiced a version of spirituality that is called "
Huna" today. Huna is a term coined by Max Freedom Long to describe the practices and teachings of the Hawaiian Kahunas. The Huna belief is that we are made up of 3 'selves': the low self or unconscious self(Unihipili), the mid self or conscious self (Uhane), and the high self or spirit (Aumakua). Our selves are connected via a "thread" called the Aka cord. It is through this cord that communication among the selves is accomplished. A clear and straight Aka cord indicates harmony within the self among the unconscious (body), conscious (mind), and spirit. Disruptions and blockages of the Aka cord occur when one or all three selves become misaligned through abuse (addictions, abusive behavior, negative thoughts) or neglect. This misalignment can be sensed through our physical feelings and emotions. That stomach ache or depression is simply a warning sign to us to pay attention.
Which brings me back to "connections". What are you most connected to? Is your body/emotional state telling you anything? You have the power to correct any disruptions in your connections. Being aware is the first step. The next step is up to you....
I do not claim to be an expert on the topic of Huna or the Universal Laws. My intent is to share what I've learned, hopefully get some dialogue going, and help you in some small way on your journey through this life. Your feedback is welcome.
Hey Bobby! It is questionable that "Huna" actually existed. There were Kahunas for everything. What Long and King teach should be taken with a grain a salt. Take what is important to you and throw out the rest.
According to the standard Pukui and Elbert Hawaiian dictionary, the Hawaiian words 'unihipili, 'uhane and 'aumakua do not mean subconscious, conscious and super-conscious. 'Unihipili are the spirits of deceased persons, 'uhane is a soul, spirit or ghost, and 'aumakua are family or personal gods, deified ancestors who might assume the shape of animals.
Great blog BTW. I'll have to watch "the Secret" before I comment on it.
Take care, cuz!
Thanks for the comment cuz!
"Huna" is actually a term attached to the Hawaiian spiritual practices by MFL and other outsiders. The actual meaning in Hawaiian is secret. I agree that unihipili, uhane, and aumakua have other meanings. Those are the ones I am comfortable with. As you may know, Hawaiian words can usually have more than one meaning (sometimes several), so we are both correct.
I also have studied other teachers than MFL and SKK. It was unfortunate that the original Kahunas were banned and sometimes killed by the colonists... another example of fear-based and superior-race thinking.
Whatever you call it, the spiritual practice and energies are real and can be of great benefit to anyone who chooses to follow that path (I am one).
If you do decide to watch "The Secret", keep in mind that it provides only a small glimsp into the Universal Laws and only focuses on the Law of Attraction.
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