Life is wonderful.
How do you feel when you read that statement? For me, the truth is always shining through as I journey along on my path. Everyday is a blessing, a gift, and an opportunity for discovery. I was at a friend's home in the Escondido, CA area when I took this picture in the middle of what passes for a rain "storm" in SoCal. I was struck by the areas of light shining through the rain clouds. It brought to mind that darkness can only hide the light, not abolish it. Light is always there.
There are situations in life where it can seem like there is nothing but darkness. But we have the choice to see beyond the darkness. Remembering that the light is always shining somewhere can assist us in seeing the truth of the situation. It's made a big difference in my attitude and
Being to see all situations from this perspective. Everything is a gift and a learning experience that allows us to fulfill our purpose. You do believe you have a purpose, dontcha? There's much more to this existence than showing up for work everyday and living for the weekend (IMHO). If that is what you are experiencing, are you at least grateful for it? Your gratitude allows your light to shine through. The light of your gratitude will also bring more of what you are grateful for into your life. Interesting thought, eh?
There are so many paths up the mountain. There is no wrong or right way, just your way. And You get to shine your light in any direction you choose. Just remember to allow it to shine through....
nice snap.
I've been to SD couple of times.Though i've never been to escondino,I've enjoyed the nature SD has to offer.
Yes,life is indeed beautiful esp in San Diego.
I miss the place a lot.
Whenever I'm down I think of SD and how cheerful the place was.
Thank you. Yes SD is blessed with beautiful weather and scenery. Where are you located now?
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