I've recently made some (more) big changes in my life. I have let go of the majority of 'things' I had been holding onto and moved out of the home I had been living in for the past 7 years. Many of the items I have let go of, had been in my possession for over 20 years. Why would I make such a change??
If you have been reading my posts, you'll note that I've been focused on personal development. My hope is that sharing my experiences will help you on your journey and reinforce the lessons I am learning on my path. Now, it isn't easy to make changes that take you beyond your comfort zone. You know that familiar place that we all live in.... that place where we know what will/should happen as we go about our daily routine. Well as I've become more aware and conscious of my day to day actions, my intuition has gotten sharper and more insistent about doing things out of the normal routine. Once I determined what my purpose and desire to do in life is, I've begun making decisions that reflect the person who I want to be. Part of that included the realization of the things that were holding me back. This required me to depart my comfort zone. One of the things emphasized early in
James Ray's Harmonic Wealth Weekend is:
When we encounter something new, we either retreat or we take a leap of faith and push out of our Comfort Zone. Your Comfort Zone either holds you back or expands with power and opportunity.
The person of power views change as an opportunity for adventure and growth."
I've chosen to view all my challenges as opportunities for growth. That viewpoint gives freedom from stress and worry. It also allows you to realize that YOU have the power of creation. Expanding your comfort zone is not easy; nor is it meant to be. Resistance comes from all angles and even from those who support you the most. It is at those times that you reinforce the lesson that everyone in your life is a reflection of your inner state (more on that in the future).
So what's holding you back? Are your things keeping you in the comfort zone? What opportunities are you missing out on? These are the questions that have lead me to release and move on from old habits and attachments. You can't imagine how good it feels to let go of things that you've held onto for a long time. The energy contained in the attachments can be transformed into something better. By releasing my attachments, I am allowing the universe to replace them with something more in alignment with my greater good and purpose. I can't wait to see what comes my way and I'll share my experiences with ya.
When I was doing my Louise L. Hay training we were taught, that if you want to make a huge change in your life, make a small change first.
For instance, clean out your 'fridge, or take the clothes that you haven't worn for a year to the charity shop.
I always do this, because it works.
Thank you for your insight. I agree that taking smaller 'bites' of change can be better. All depends on the person and their path.
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