Why is this guy smiling???
The Light is Always Shining
The Comfort Zone
An Amazing Experience...
Light or Dark? What's Your Habit?
I read a great article provided by Adam Eason called "How to develop the habit of Happiness". It is actually a chapter from a book written over 100 years ago. I found the article relevant and useful. Here are some excerpts:
Happiness is a condition we are all seeking.
Happiness comes from within, not without. It is not what we have, or what we possess that makes us happy: it's what we are. When we know ourselves thoroughly; can reason and philosophize, and are at peace with ourselves, and are busy thinking of making others happy, and have a perfect mastery of ourselves; live in harmony with our environments and cease to care whether we are or not, then we are happy and have found the summum bonum. If we are not happy with a little, we will be less happy if we have more. It is attitude of mind, more than circumstances, that gives happiness.The way to be happy is to take advantage of the little opportunities that come to us to brighten life as we go along. Live in the NOW. Happiness is contagious. Happiness, like unhappiness, is a state of the mind. To give a prescription that might be applied to the entire human race would be a well nigh impossibility. Yet a principle may be adopted that would be practical, from which each man can work out the problem of 'How To Be Happy'.
The language is, as expected, somewhat dated but you get the intent and meaning don't you? We are always in control of how we feel. It may not seem that way at times, but if you choose to, you can decide what your reaction to any circumstance will be. You will find that the Laws of Vibration and Attraction will come into effect when you get into the habit of happiness and you'll get more of it. Namaste