
Why is this guy smiling???

He's broke, virtually homeless, and now without a car.... So why's he smiling?
Because all his creations are coming into fruition. Yes, that statement may seem out of sorts... however, if you look at things from a different perspective from what is considered the "norm" it makes perfect sense.
Taking responsibility for all of my actions is the start. Realizing that what can seem like 'darkness' is actually the chaos that precedes the light at dawn gives one the joy of anticipation. I know that everything works out in divine timing and I am taken care of. That has been self-evident from my journey thus far. I am truly appreciative of my friends and family who have supported me (even while holding back on their misgivings). My gratitude for everything in my life, helps give me the needed perspective to keep looking forward. I focus on being joyful and happy, knowing in my heart that is the natural state for this existence. Anything contrary to that is illusion and something that isn't in congruence with true purpose.
You might be shaking your head about now... well, that's the normal programming. We all have the choice to judge or not judge everything that comes our way. No, I didn't intend to be in the situation I am currently in. These results are due to choices I made while still unconscious and unaware of my negative thoughts. However, I was (and am now) following my intuition and now realize that I am receiving the lessons that I needed to grow. To realize who I really am. A creator of his life. Now I focus on where I am headed, not where I've been. Secure in the knowledge that I can create anything I desire. My focus is on my intention and part of that intention is to assist folks by sharing my journey. By assisting you, I help myself. Maybe my story will resonate with you, maybe not. At the very least, I will be putting some positive energy out into the world. Stick with me as I grow. Maybe I'll show you a way to grow too.


The Light is Always Shining

Life is wonderful. How do you feel when you read that statement? For me, the truth is always shining through as I journey along on my path. Everyday is a blessing, a gift, and an opportunity for discovery. I was at a friend's home in the Escondido, CA area when I took this picture in the middle of what passes for a rain "storm" in SoCal. I was struck by the areas of light shining through the rain clouds. It brought to mind that darkness can only hide the light, not abolish it. Light is always there. There are situations in life where it can seem like there is nothing but darkness. But we have the choice to see beyond the darkness. Remembering that the light is always shining somewhere can assist us in seeing the truth of the situation. It's made a big difference in my attitude and Being to see all situations from this perspective. Everything is a gift and a learning experience that allows us to fulfill our purpose. You do believe you have a purpose, dontcha? There's much more to this existence than showing up for work everyday and living for the weekend (IMHO). If that is what you are experiencing, are you at least grateful for it? Your gratitude allows your light to shine through. The light of your gratitude will also bring more of what you are grateful for into your life. Interesting thought, eh? There are so many paths up the mountain. There is no wrong or right way, just your way. And You get to shine your light in any direction you choose. Just remember to allow it to shine through.... Namaste


The Comfort Zone

I've recently made some (more) big changes in my life. I have let go of the majority of 'things' I had been holding onto and moved out of the home I had been living in for the past 7 years. Many of the items I have let go of, had been in my possession for over 20 years. Why would I make such a change?? If you have been reading my posts, you'll note that I've been focused on personal development. My hope is that sharing my experiences will help you on your journey and reinforce the lessons I am learning on my path. Now, it isn't easy to make changes that take you beyond your comfort zone. You know that familiar place that we all live in.... that place where we know what will/should happen as we go about our daily routine. Well as I've become more aware and conscious of my day to day actions, my intuition has gotten sharper and more insistent about doing things out of the normal routine. Once I determined what my purpose and desire to do in life is, I've begun making decisions that reflect the person who I want to be. Part of that included the realization of the things that were holding me back. This required me to depart my comfort zone. One of the things emphasized early in James Ray's Harmonic Wealth Weekend is: "When we encounter something new, we either retreat or we take a leap of faith and push out of our Comfort Zone. Your Comfort Zone either holds you back or expands with power and opportunity. The person of power views change as an opportunity for adventure and growth." I've chosen to view all my challenges as opportunities for growth. That viewpoint gives freedom from stress and worry. It also allows you to realize that YOU have the power of creation. Expanding your comfort zone is not easy; nor is it meant to be. Resistance comes from all angles and even from those who support you the most. It is at those times that you reinforce the lesson that everyone in your life is a reflection of your inner state (more on that in the future). So what's holding you back? Are your things keeping you in the comfort zone? What opportunities are you missing out on? These are the questions that have lead me to release and move on from old habits and attachments. You can't imagine how good it feels to let go of things that you've held onto for a long time. The energy contained in the attachments can be transformed into something better. By releasing my attachments, I am allowing the universe to replace them with something more in alignment with my greater good and purpose. I can't wait to see what comes my way and I'll share my experiences with ya. Namaste.


An Amazing Experience...

I attended James Ray's Harmonic Wealth Weekend event held here in San Diego this past weekend. What an inspiring, exhilarating, and enlightening experience James facilitated. I came out of this intensive experience with so much its hard to encapsulate in this space. I will be sharing many of the principals and teachings over time. I will use this entry to provide a foundation for follow-up subjects. James teaches the Universal Laws from a practical level (MY perspective). During the weekend he teaches, walks us through various interesting experiential exercises, and tells stories that illustrate and amplify teaching points. He is a very dynamic, engaging, and powerful speaker who was able to keep the attention of the audience through many hours. James teaches how to create practical real world results using spiritual principles. Click here to learn more. There were many "aha" type of lines that were provided during the event. One of my favorites is: "If you aren't growing, you're dying". That is so profound on so many levels. To me, it reinforces my need to continue to learn, study, and practice spiritual principals to enable me to experience a deeper level of connection to the source of creation. This enables and assists me to continue the discovery of Who I Really Am in this human existence. I hope I can help you on your journey as well. Namaste.


Light or Dark? What's Your Habit?

How do you choose to walk through life? Do you ever awaken in the morning dreading the day ahead? Do you let circumstances get the better of you and react negatively?

I read a great article provided by Adam Eason called "How to develop the habit of Happiness". It is actually a chapter from a book written over 100 years ago. I found the article relevant and useful. Here are some excerpts:

Happiness is a condition we are all seeking.

Happiness comes from within, not without. It is not what we have, or what we possess that makes us happy: it's what we are. When we know ourselves thoroughly; can reason and philosophize, and are at peace with ourselves, and are busy thinking of making others happy, and have a perfect mastery of ourselves; live in harmony with our environments and cease to care whether we are or not, then we are happy and have found the summum bonum. If we are not happy with a little, we will be less happy if we have more. It is attitude of mind, more than circumstances, that gives happiness.The way to be happy is to take advantage of the little opportunities that come to us to brighten life as we go along. Live in the NOW. Happiness is contagious. Happiness, like unhappiness, is a state of the mind. To give a prescription that might be applied to the entire human race would be a well nigh impossibility. Yet a principle may be adopted that would be practical, from which each man can work out the problem of 'How To Be Happy'.

The language is, as expected, somewhat dated but you get the intent and meaning don't you? We are always in control of how we feel. It may not seem that way at times, but if you choose to, you can decide what your reaction to any circumstance will be. You will find that the Laws of Vibration and Attraction will come into effect when you get into the habit of happiness and you'll get more of it. Namaste


Are Your beliefs holding you back?

There always seems to be an excuse for holding off on doing something we need to do. Maybe 'need' isn't a good term to use here. But I believe you know what I mean. We all can relate to procrastinating on something. The past can be filled with shouldas, wouldas, and couldas when viewed with hindsight. Procrastination is nothing more than our internal resistance to something which we perceive or judge negatively. Sometimes for no real reason other than our own internal fear. Fear which we may be manufacturing based on old beliefs. The best way to get around this is to re-examine your beliefs. A belief is something that can truly limit you. When you are open to different ideas, you can change old beliefs with new ones via experience. Many times old beliefs aren't even based on OUR experience, but on someone else's; or even just a story. Beliefs of many kinds are perpetuated upon us from various sources such as religions, media, and schools. We tend to take in the information from many of these sources without question and adopt them as our truth. The good news is we have the choice of what to believe as our truth. Our emotions and feelings will tell us what is true for us. The next time you are questioning something, rather than using the mind to determine your truth, use your heart. Our heart will always give us the truth through the feeling we get when we think on a subject. Try it for yourself. This valuable insight was reinforced to me during a healing session I attended this past weekend facilitated by Daniel Schmachtenberger. He is a gifted healer with a wonderful soul. Daniel is leading a Global Solutions Initiative which will be a gift to humanity and the planet. You can find out more about Daniel and his work here: http://www.experiencethesource.com/index.html. Namaste