
A real eye Opener!!!

I just finished watching a fascinating documentary movie called Zeitgeist that challenges popular beliefs about religion, government, and current events. It is being provided for free here.
The topics will challenge your beliefs about the origins of religion and the recent 911 attacks. I won't give it away, but highly recommend you check this film out. It'll make you think!
Even though the film does at times present its points from a fear-based message, it has great value for providing you with a choice of how you can view information presented to us by the mass media. I feel the last 6 or 7 minutes of the feature are the main point and are the basis for my sharing my thoughts in this space with you: We Are ALL One and have a CHOICE in how we live our lives.
I intend to do some follow-up research on some of the points made in the film. The points made in the film will be viewed as inflammatory by the majority of people, but will cause the aware (and those who are becomming aware) to re-examine some of their beliefs. I'd love to 'hear' your thoughts about the film once you see it.....


How Far Is Heaven?

Do you believe that "heaven" is a reward for a life lived as dictated by religious or societal rules? Does this mean you have to wait to reach heaven? If that is your belief, I honor your choice but offer my opinion.... dangerous ground to tread on for some folks; however an open, non-judgmental, mindset is a key to becoming more aware. Whatever you may view as heaven, can you agree that a joyous state of being is the ultimate goal? We have the ability and the divinely-provided gift to achieve that joyous state in any given moment. It is a choice we can all make. Unfortunately, we have been taught beliefs that are contrary to making a choice. Beliefs that hold us back from seeing the light. These beliefs come in all kinds of forms and are reinforced through the media, religious dogma, and conformance style thinking. The media reinforces beliefs. If you take the time to truly observe and analyze what you are watching, listening, or reading, you will note the amount of negativism being broadcast to you. It is a fear-based message being presented most of the time. Not always, but a good majority of the information presented is subtly judgement-based. Popular sitcoms present parables that denounce rich people, ways of life, tolerance, ways of thinking, etc. Advertising constantly feeds fears of disease, lack, and inadequacy. The constant bombardment of these subliminal messages affect us on a subconcious level and feed/reinforce beliefs. These beliefs act as clouds that block the light from shining through. They promote the illusion that "heaven" is a faraway destination to be strived for or be denied from. Fortunately, we can choose to see the light. We can choose to create our own heaven in each moment by savoring each experience. Joy can be derived from any situation when perceived without judgement and appreciated for the blessing being provided. We have that choice available to us. Namaste


Are you flying in formation?

Following the crowd is easy and the path of least resistance. Do you notice how when you attempt to act in a manner that is not "normal" how much resistance you get from family and friends? The resistance may not necessarily be obvious. There may be subtle hints, body language, and other signs of disapproval that are 'beneath the surface'.
Going 'with the flow' is the norm these days and expected behavior. There is a comfort in knowing that everyone is doing, acting, and being the same. However, the truth is we are ALL ONE no matter how we choose to act and BE. Part of the joy of this experience is we have free-will to choose the life we wish to experience. Unfortunately, free-will has been dampened by our various societies and is frowned upon whenever it goes against the perceived norms dictated by societal beliefs.
I'm not saying or judging that "flying with the flock" is in any way bad or wrong. What does your heart say? Isn't there something within you that cries out for expression? Have you accessed that Power within? When you are doing something which feeds the joy within, you are living life as it was meant to be. Experiencing joy and harmony in life is the purpose for which we exist. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says the Seven Faces of Intention are: creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance, and receptivity. Living a life based on expressing these intentions will allow you to experience something "the flock" may not lead you to.
A quote by Pericles:
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."


Where is your power?

Power, you ask? Whadya mean by that? Sometimes we caught up in day to day routines without thinking about the creations we manifest on a daily basis. Yes we create our day. From the time we awake in the morning until we fall asleep at night, we are creating our reality through our thoughts and actions. It is the quality of those thoughts and actions which can dictate your perception/judgement of the day you are living. Therein lies your power. It is a power that comes from within. Your sure knowledge of who you are and what you choose to think. Your choice of how you view a situation controls how strong (and what type of) an emotional response to that situation will be. If you are looking at (or judging) external sources as the "cause" for a given situation, you are giving your power away. We always have a choice in how to react, judge, or label any situation. Realizing this, gives us the power AND the responsibility for everything we experience in this existence. Taking responsibility for everything in your life is a key component to utilizing your power. Examining and being aware of your thoughts will give a good idea of whether you are using your power or not. Your emotions provide guidance as to where your thoughts are leading you. The emotions are the key to letting you know what type of energy you are vibrating. Remember, whatever energy you are vibrating is what you will eventually attract more of. So the power is in you. It it is always there. It is up to you as to how you use it. Namaste


Meeting the challenge

from Shakespeare: "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt."

Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by circumstances appearing in our life. The temptation is to judge the circumstance and lay blame on an outside source. Maybe label it negatively and then feed that emotion with more negativity. These judgements of the circumstances can prevent us from moving forward with an action due to the emotional fear generated. Reacting to fear is our biggest inhibitor to reaching our potential.

I have been dealing with very interesting challenges in my life lately due to decisions I've made several months ago. I had a well paying job as an engineer that I gave up to "pursue my passion" and explore/discover my true nature. I was led to this action from a series of circumstances/events that occured over the previous few years (looking back on it). If you are familiar with the movie "The Secret" and its coverage of the Law Of Attraction, then you'll understand when I say it was a major catalyst for my decision. Being trained as an engineer, I felt the need to analyze and study the concepts till I fully understood what was being taught. I found this an all-consuming task (and a never-ending one). The main thing I've learned is that there is more to the Universal Laws than just the Law Of Attraction. So much more as covered in previous posts. The lessons and teachers I have come across during this study have been invaluable to me. While my understanding is at best grade-school level, the changes in my life and attitudes towards it have been amazing. These changes in me have allowed me to deal with my challenges in a completely different manner than I would have previously.

Using tools like the Ho'oponopono method described in Joe Vitale's book Zero Limits and the Manifesting Miracles course from Nick Arandes have enabled me to handle the 'waves' of challenge that have come my way since I took "the leap". The lessons (circumstances) I have manifested in the past few months are the stepping stones on my path to discovering who I really am. I know that the illusions of these circumstances will be revealed as I continue to travel on my chosen path. I recommend you meet your challenges head-on and use whatever tools resonate with you to help you along on your journey. Namaste


The challenge in seeing the light

Challenges are a part of this existence. How we deal with them can help us define who we are. I believe we are here to experience all that living has to offer in order to express the essence of our being. My current path has placed many different challenges in front of me to learn from. That's what challenges are... a lesson to be learned. What you learn is up to you and can always be of great value. If you choose to judge your challenge as something "bad" or "dark", you are preventing yourself from gaining from it. Placing such a judgement on our challenges places us in a negative space which attracts more of the same type of energy. It can be difficult to see the 'light' in any challenge but the effort is worthwhile. Finding the gift in the challenge you are facing will transform any negative energy you've attached to it into a positive. It gives a different perspective and helps you to stay in the present moment. One of the spiritual mentors I follow, Nick Arandes, has a great video addressing this topic. You can see it here. Nick has provided me with valuable insights on my journey and could also be of help to you. I completed his Manfesting Miracles course a few months ago and continue to refer back to it today. It is a great video and email course that really gives you a new perspective and approach to living life. I highly recommend it. Nick is just one of the teachers/mentors that I follow. I will be sharing more of the lessons I have learned from them in the future. I believe I am here to share what I know, what I have learned, and what I will learn. This purpose helps me to keep "seeing the light" where others would see nothing but 'darkness'. I know that the challenges I face now and the ones that will be placed before me in the future are nothing more than building blocks to the foundation of my spirit. Each challenge, or lesson learned, brings me closer to realizing Who I Really Am. Namaste


The View From Here

How do things look outside your "window"? I was talking with the some friends the other night about the difficulties we encounter from time to time with our past beliefs. Sometimes those beliefs rear their ugly heads at the most inopportune moments. Have you ever been in an argument with someone that kept going on and wondered why the emotions that came up were so strong and out of proportion to the moment? Could it be that the original situation is bringing up things buried in the psyche? Or maybe just an old rehashed complaint. The shade from that inner "window" can snap up occasionally to give a glimpse of something that really isn't there. It could be something far away and far removed from reality, but seem to be real and present. It's our job to be aware when this occurs. Being in the moment is key. Recognizing that our beliefs (and attachment to those beliefs) can prevent us from seeing reality and the other perspective will help to prevent the situation from getting out of hand. One way of clearing limiting beliefs is the practice of Self-Identity Ho'oponopono as suggested in the book Zero Limits, by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len. I am not affiliated nor do i receive anything for recommending this book, but I do believe and practice what is discussed there. So much so that I share and recommend the information as much as I can. I believe that by improving ourselves, we make the world a better place. Good Luck in your journey.... Namaste


A Safe Harbor

Sometimes the darkness closes in upon us. Or so it seems at the time. Challenges always arise at one point or the other. Some days it may seem as if that is all there is. The thing to keep in mind during those moments is that you are providing the perspective on that challenge or ‘darkness’. It is just a situation that you created. You can un-create it. This is a difficult concept for most of us to accept. Taking responsibility for everything in your life is the first step to understanding. Most of us have a habit of blaming external sources for things that “happen” to us. I know did. There is always something (or someone) conveniently available to lay blame on. That is the path of least resistance. The harder path is to look in the mirror and accept that you created it. But this path also allows you to recognize your power as a creator. The vibrations that you create through your thoughts and emotions will match-up to your results. What are you focused on? Take a moment to examine (or re-examine) the conditions within you that led up to the situation. Can you find some correlation? These concepts reflect back to the Universal Laws of Vibration and Attraction. Realizing that you are a source rather than an effect of a situation puts you in control. You realize that, yes, you are responsible. The safe harbor is within you. It was there all along. You can make a difference in how you choose to view a situation. The darkness is merely something that can be pushed through to the light. The Law of Polarity tells you that there MUST be light if there is darkness; even if it is just perceived. One way of realizing the safe harbor within you is through the practice of Ho’oponopono. Through this practice you acknowledge your responsibility for everything in your world and cleanse the negativity from it. A book written by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, titled "Zero Limits" provides a very good description of Dr. Len’s method and the benefits that can be attained from it. I have read it and highly recommend it. With some practice and application, you too can find that safe harbor within you. Namaste


Gratitude is the key

Are you thankful for the things that you have in your life? EVERYTHING? The Law of Gratitude states that positive energy that is given out eventually returns with rewards. The Law of Gratitude is your connection to the Source expressing thanks for the good in your life, thereby communicating your satisfaction and in return receiving even more to be thankful for. There's plenty of information on how to use gratitude as a tool for attracting more into your life. My perspective is that gratitude is an attitude to have as a way of life. Everything in your life is a creation. YOUR creation. You may perceive some things as 'bad' but the reality is that what ever the situation is, it is just what it is. "Bad" is a judgement that you attach to a situation to label it. There's quite a bit more to delve into along this line of thought (more in later posts), but I'll stick to gratitude. Being thankful allows you to be in a positive emotional space. Have you ever tried to be angry and grateful at the same time? I know I can't do it. They are opposite energies. Gratitude provides a nice warm glow inside. Being thankful puts things in perspective. Even things which may seem 'bad' can take on a different 'glow'. Gratitude allows you to recognize your power as a creator and spiritual being. It allows you to connect with positive energies and vibrate those positive energies out to the universe. This vibration then connects you to more positive energies through The Law of Attraction. The next time you react to a situation negatively, take time-out to try and see what lesson can be gained from it. If you can see it in a different light, you can cleanse that negative energy and transform it into a positive one. Seemingly, not an easy task but it does get easier with practice. I've found that it works for me and I am grateful for the lessons that come my way daily :-) Namaste


What are you connected to?

What are the connections in your life? We develop all kinds of connections as we travel along the path of life. There is the human kind: friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, people who provide us various services. There is the material kind: money, home, cars, boats, furniture, TVs, PCs, food, drink, and drugs. And there is the spiritual kind: religion, spirituality, atheism, agnosticism. We tend to allow these connections to govern how we progress (or not) through life. Focus on any singular “connection” and loss of balance and perspective can occur. Balance is key. If you focus entirely on one aspect, the other areas will suffer. Can you think of some area that takes-up too much of your thoughts and energy? Looking at that area from an objective perspective (big picture) may be helpful. We see many examples of extreme 'connection' to substances, people, places, and/or things. The Law of Cause and Effect states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.” If you focus on one area of your life and ignore others, the consequences of those actions will become apparent as you travel your path. The ancient Hawaiians practiced a version of spirituality that is called "Huna" today. Huna is a term coined by Max Freedom Long to describe the practices and teachings of the Hawaiian Kahunas. The Huna belief is that we are made up of 3 'selves': the low self or unconscious self(Unihipili), the mid self or conscious self (Uhane), and the high self or spirit (Aumakua). Our selves are connected via a "thread" called the Aka cord. It is through this cord that communication among the selves is accomplished. A clear and straight Aka cord indicates harmony within the self among the unconscious (body), conscious (mind), and spirit. Disruptions and blockages of the Aka cord occur when one or all three selves become misaligned through abuse (addictions, abusive behavior, negative thoughts) or neglect. This misalignment can be sensed through our physical feelings and emotions. That stomach ache or depression is simply a warning sign to us to pay attention. Which brings me back to "connections". What are you most connected to? Is your body/emotional state telling you anything? You have the power to correct any disruptions in your connections. Being aware is the first step. The next step is up to you.... I do not claim to be an expert on the topic of Huna or the Universal Laws. My intent is to share what I've learned, hopefully get some dialogue going, and help you in some small way on your journey through this life. Your feedback is welcome. Namaste