Thanksgiving Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated by the majority of people in the country. The original intent has been overshadowed by commercialization and modern traditions. However, my intent here is not to rant negatively, but to focus on the Attitude of Gratitude that seems to be celebrated only once a year in this country.
We have so much to be thankful for EVERYDAY. A beautiful sunrise. The smile of a friend, spouse, lover, stranger. Friendship. Family. A roof over your head. Running water. Electricity. FREEDOM. Power of choice. It goes on and on and on.... Taking things for granted prevents us from activating the
The Law of Gratitude (The more you give, the more you will receive. The more you assist others, the more you will assist yourself. The power of this Law works in your day-to-day life.).
It doesn't hurt to take a moment every now and then to reflect and give a silent
Thank You for what is transpiring in that moment. When we focus our attention on what we are thankful for, we raise that positive vibration into the universe and are thus helping humanity in general. Quantum Physics has demonstrated to us that what we think and focus on becomes our reality. Maintaining a positive vibration no matter the circumstances in life helps us all; therefore, your gratitude becomes "
the gift that keeps on giving". That's easy now, isn't it?
So let's keep this attitude going everyday. You have a choice to see things in a different way, no matter what the circumstance. Be thankful for the lesson and the opportunity to learn. We are here to experience life, so let's be thankful and grateful for this wonderful experience.

Thank YOU for sharing and being. Namaste.
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