It has been a little over two months since I've last made an entry in this space. Funny how life leads us in unexpected directions when you just allow yourself to flow with the universe.
Well, since my last post I've started work at a medical device company, moved into a new place with a friend, and have been re-adjusting to these changes. By re-adjusting I mean I have had to come to grips with my return to the 'normal' world. It is so easy to fall back into old habitual ways of acting. Even though my spiritual perspective has not changed and continues to grow, I am learning how difficult it is to stay focused on every little detail. My how the universe loves to test our resolve! I have found myself putting weight back on without realizing it. Well that's not the correct way to put it... I wasn't paying attention (being conscious) of my actions. It is so easy to indulge in the different temptations that are placed in our path. I've come to realize the awesome lesson being provided to me. We must walk the path of life in conscious awareness of our actions and their effects on us and around us.
I went from being broke to having a consistent source of very good income. With that came complacency and a return to some old habits. It has made me realize that even though I continue to grow and strengthen my connection to source, I must also continue to focus on my intentions on all aspects of being. To truly live a harmonious life we need to pay attention to the physical, emotional, financial, mental, and relational aspects of life.
James Ray calls this
Harmonic Wealth.
Being aware isn't as easy as it sounds. The world we live in (here in the US, specifically) is geared to keep us
unconscious and in a constant state of fear. We are bombarded with advertising that plays on our emotions. Most everyone we know is plugged-in to the television which is our societies main source of entertainment and information. The airwaves are filled with misinformation of one sort or the other. I've become more aware of the effect this bombardment has on us since I gave up constant television watching over eight months ago. When I do watch tv on occasion, I have a negative reaction to the advertisements and the sentiments being presented. I do follow some television shows online and also sporting events; however, I no longer tie my life to the tube. It is amazing how many people have asked me what I do with my time when I tell them I don't watch tv! Usually that's the first reaction. think about that one. So as a start on working on the mental aspects of
Harmonic Wealth, I highly recommend you turn off that idiot box for a week or so.
Well going forward I will expand on each aspect as I continue to learn, grow, and remember who I really am. The picture I've included here presents a metaphor for us here. The faint point of light represents the viewpoint of many folks' idea of source. The tree can represent our soul's desire to reach out towards that source. Like the tree, we are growing towards the light. What we don't realize is
the light is already around us! We only need to awaken our awareness to understand our roots are in the light and that we are here to remember and experience that aspect of ourselves.
My next post will focus on relational aspects of
Harmonic Wealth and the challenges I've encountered as I grow this part of my being. Love and light to you as we travel this path of existence. Namaste.
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