How does your life flow?
Do you go through life in fits and starts? Does it seem as if you're jumping from one situation into another? We have a tendency to create drama even when there's no call for it. I have found myself, at times, focusing my thoughts on negative outcomes in order to 'be prepared' for that anticipated eventuality. More often than not, that sort of 'preparation' brought about the focused upon outcome.
But recently I've been pleasantly surprised by events because of my change in focus. I still will delve into the negative anticipation of an event on occasion, but I no longer maintain focus on the negativity. Instead I channel my focus and energy on the outcome that I desire to experience; I focus on already being in the situation that I desire to be in. Consequently, outcomes have become quite positive and in some cases even unanticipated. This is a
testament to the practice of
living in the now. I keep reinforcing the fact that FEAR (Future Events Appearing Real) presents an illusion that prevents the creation of the actual outcomes we desire. What we focus on is what we create. Fortunately, creation requires sustained focus. So the occasional negative thought does not necessarily translate into the outcome. However, continued focus on a fear can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So how do we avoid creating what we
don't want? Well, take out the "don't" and focus on the desired outcome. 'Wanting' implies lack and wanting something does not provide anything. It focuses your thoughts on what you do not currently have. Being grateful for what you have now expresses to the universe that you are ready for more to be grateful for. Feeling grateful places you in a positive vibration, whereas wanting is a negative energy that sucks the life out of the present moment. If you're going around constantly thinking about what you don't have, you aren't providing any energy towards attaining the thing you desire. You are only providing energy to the 'want'. Wouldn't you prefer to put your energy to better use? Life definitely flows better when you aren't constantly thinking about all the scenarios that
might happen (and haven't).