After another long absence I am led back to express my thoughts and reconnect.
I awoke this morning to the joy of knowledge that our country (US of A) has finally crossed the ultimate barrier, the election of a multi-ethnic person to the highest office in the land. As I glanced at my clock, it read 5:55; this represents great change coming. And so it is.
People of all colors in this country can now feel a new hope and can envision the reality of actual change. To me, this election represents the wave of spiritual transformation that is occurring in our world. The MAJORITY of people in our country expressed the desire for change by casting their vote for Mr. Obama, who is an unknown quantity. This represents the faith that folks have in moving beyond business as usual. In effect we are all taking a leap of faith, hoping that true change is embodied in this person. A person who speaks of inclusion, rather than separation and who speaks of hope rather than fear. Now it is up to us to embody the change we wish to see. This election is only the beginning; there is much, much more work left for all of us.
This election also represents to me the transformation that is occurring in my life. The release of limitations and and the acceptance of all that is, has been liberating. Life just continues to get amazing. The possibilities are endless when you step into the flow and beyond fear. Living in the now is more than a catch-phrase. It is a way of being, rather than doing. We are so much more than the physical masks we display. I've been rediscovering all that I am. The teachers and teachings that have presented themselves to me in the past few months have been beyond transformative. The essence that we are presents itself when you allow and accept. The path back to yourself is found within. Whatever practice (or not) you choose to follow is perfect as is. The key is to continue to grow and learn; to live life in joy and gratitude. For everything. Just doing that is transformative. I will focus in on some specific info in follow-on posts. Until next time, enjoy the positive energies from this victory over small-mindedness!!