
The Light is always there

I was walking along the Harbor Island sidewalk heading towards a point where I could take some photos of the San Diego skyline at dusk (you can see some of these shots at Flickr). I would turn around (I was headed in the opposite direction from this pic's viewpoint) occasionally to check on the sun's position and noticed the angle through the tree was creating an interesting highlight. I was moved to snap this shot even though it wasn't on my "agenda". Out of that inspiration came this example of the beauty that is all around us.
The Law Of Polarity says anything can be separated into two opposite parts with each part having its own essence. You can not have one part without the other being in existence.
When it seems like you are in 'darkness' remember that there IS light someplace in that situation; you just have to look for it and recognize it.
You can find examples of The Universal Laws everywhere/everyday in life. Being aware and conscious is the first step on the path.
I am constantly being reminded of the beauty of all creation in every manner shape and form. Its a wonderful way to walk through life. If you can get to the place where you can see the beauty in the 'dark places', your journey's path becomes much smoother....


The View Always Changes

Here's a pic of the beautiful San Diego skyline taken from a sailboat in San Diego Bay. When you're on a sailboat the view always changes, but from a moment to moment basis. Life is like that if you allow it.
Which brings us to another Universal Law, the Law of Allowing. The Law of Allowing means dropping all judgments and all emotional attachments to what others are, have, or do. Practicing The Law of Allowing requires granting to others the same rights you ask for yourself -- the right to be, have, and do whatever you choose. QUITE difficult to do when you really think about it. We are always judging things, places, circumstances, people, etc. Think about it. If you monitor your thoughts, you'll find a judgement of some sort occurring. We can't help it because that is the way we are conditioned from the time we become able to think. The good news is we have control over how we perceive things. Once you recognize the judgement, you can change that viewpoint. Remember that your view is just that... your view. The other view is just as "right".
Thanks for reading. BTW, if you're interested in seeing more of my photos you can see some of my work at Flickr. I will be setting a group on Flickr for more discussion centered around photography and the beauty of creation.


The Road Ahead...

Where does our path take us? What is the destination? What is the purpose of this journey? These are questions that come up occasionally when we actually take the time to contemplate. Many teachers attempt to answer these questions or attempt to show us the way. Some of the teachers I've studied are: James Ray, Joe Vitale, Nick Arandes, Bob Scheinfeld, Bob Doyle, John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Serge Kahili King, Max Freedom Long, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Abraham-Hicks. There are more. But I will focus on some of these. You may recognize some of these names from the movie "The Secret" if you've seen it. If you haven't, I highly recommend it. It provides a high level peek at one of the Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction. A search of the web for Universal laws will bring-up quite a few sites listing various perspectives on this topic. A general overview shows that the following Universal Laws or Principles are commonly sited:
  • The Law Of Vibration states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into it's purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy which resonates and exists a specific vibratory frequency or pattern.
  • The Law of Attraction states that whatever energy is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal or harmonious frequency, resonance or vibration.
  • The Law Of Cause And Effect states that any action produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to, or greater than, the act which initiated it. Also referred to as Sowing and Reaping or Karma.
  • The Law of Resonance is the Universal Law which states that all energy vibrates at a specific vibrational frequency and the result of this frequency can only harmonize with energies that vibrate at a harmonious frequency which create your physical results.
  • The Law Of Abundance can best be understood by looking at the continual growth and unlimited resources available within our Universe. It is continuously producing and multiplying effortlessly through the power of the above Universal Laws, the abundance of which is determined only by the energy projected.
  • The Law of Polarity says anything can be separated into two opposite parts with each part having its own essence. This law is essential to many mystical statements and arguments. Also, it is essential in denoting characteristics of objects. Examples of these are: white and black, up and down, right and left.

There are a few more, depending on who/where you read about them. I list these to give you a taste and will explore the Universal Laws more in depth as we travel along this path. So take a look at these laws above. I know they can seem somewhat technical when you start talking about energy and relating EVERYTHING to it. If you can grasp that concept, you have the baseline for understanding.

So... what have you been thinking about lately? See any connection to the recent occurrences in your life? That's one hint about the Universal Laws. It starts with your thoughts and the emotions attached to those thoughts. I'll leave you with that point to ponder. If you'd like more info about the Universal laws, leave a comment or email me and I'll provide some links to sites I've found helpful. Feel free to leave a comment on anything... I'd love to receive your feedback.



Let's Explore

There are so many different "styles" of spiritual thought being expressed these days.
Everybody has a method that works for them. What I am discovering is the many similarities that are found within the various 'teachings' being provided. For the next few posts I will attempt to provide an overview of the different viewpoints I've run across in my journey. Be aware however, that this path will cover some diverse topics and viewpoints. I will discuss these from a perspective of discovering what these teachings have in COMMON and not whether any are right or wrong. So like the picture, we are travelling on a path that may lead into the eye of the needle... or not.
The main common thread I've come across all teachings is LOVE. Love is a necessary ingredient for any self-realization. Love of self, love of others, love of creation(s). It all starts there. More on this later... My next post will discuss the Universal Laws.


We create our drama and our reality

Life is what you make it.... I'm sure you've heard that one. Sometimes its easy to forget that little, but powerful saying. As we go about our day-to-day lives it's easy to move through on auto-pilot. That statement takes on even more meaning if you believe that YOU are the supreme creator of your existence. Take responsibility for everything in your life and watch the changes occur!


Reaching for Zero

Have you read Joe Vitale's latest book, Zero Limits? I finished it the other day and it is an amazing, informative read. I won't go into details, but the main focus of the book (my perspective here) is about attaining the balance point (Zero) within yourself that clears you of all limiting beliefs and memories. This is accomplished by taking responsibility for EVERYTHING that occurs in your world and 'cleaning' any perceived problems through the process of Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono. If you're interested in learning more, leave a comment, email me, or check-out the book. I can provide what I've learned and experienced through my brief practice of this liberating modality. The essence of Self I-Dentity (again, my perspective) is your acknowledgement of Who You Really Are. By that, I mean your are in touch with your divine self and know that you are the creator of your world. Anything that occurs in your world is your creation and you have the ability and responsibility to change what isn't desirous in that world. This concept may be a bit out of the norm for you (for most actually). However, if you truly look at what is happening in your world, you may agree that everything you perceive is through YOUR thoughts. I am barely touching upon this concept here, but would love to have a dialogue with you concerning your thoughts and opinions on this subject. I have much more to say on this subject....


Challenges are a way of life....

Its how you deal with em that determines what you learn... If you're on a manifesting path, you know what I mean. We are living this existence to learn and experience who we really are. If you believe in a world of duality, then you'll agree that experiences interpreted as 'down' or negative, will require a ensuing experience interpreted as 'up' or positive. By duality, I mean you can't have a left without a right, good without, bad, etc. Our life experiences are like that. There are times when everything seems to fall into place and there are other times when... oh you know how that goes. I'm experiencing such a challenging time now. It is a challenge to remember that this is the world I've created and I am fully responsible for it. Why would I desire such an experience? Well, my soul has determined that this situation is what I needed for growth. Hard to accept, but keeping the "big picture" in mind helps. Doesn't make it easier to deal with, but it does provide expectation for a better outcome in the near future. I started reading Joe Vitale's new book, Zero Limits. It is about an aspect of the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono. The basic idea of Ho'oponopono is that we are responsible for everything in our world. Everything we experience is through our thoughts. If there is a problem you are experiencing, it is due to an erroneous thought within you. You can alleviate this problem by 'cleaning' the erroneous thought from your mind. This is a simplification of the concept and I do not recommend you take my word for it. There is a wonderful site that describes ho'oponopono here: http://www.hooponopono.org/. I definitely recommend you check this site out. I will discuss my work in this area and also some of the teachings of Huna in future posts. Back to challenges... While it may be very difficult, the best thing for dealing with a challenge is to remain in a positive state. Focus on the desired positive outcome rather than the appearance of a negative outcome. Remember that FEAR is nothing more than FutureEventsAppearingReal (IN YOUR MIND). No matter what the outcome, you WILL be fine. Live in the moment and know that everything happening is in your best interest. It is the Divine's way of helping you to know who you really are. How you deal with your challenges helps you understand and become the best YOU you can be. Does this post challenge you and your beliefs? It definitely challenges me. However, I choose to remain positive and expectant of better things to come. When you focus on negativity, that is what you attract. Manifesting what you want in life should not be difficult, but we make it so. Consider your thoughts and what you focus on, then compare to your current results. See the correlation? I've come to these conclusions through my work in the Manifesting Miracles course by Nick Arandes. You should check it out, it'll help you too. My next post will focus on what I've learned about Huna and Ho'oponopono. Till then....


Just a Guy on a Journey

Hello, my name is Robert. I am creating this blog to support my intention to help others on their path of discovery of Who They Really Are. I am on this path myself and have come across various teachers and resources that have helped me on my way. I intend to share these resources with you and provide examples of my experiences in the hope that this information will help You on your journey.
Since this is my first post, I'll provide a little background. I live in San Diego, CA. USA. Where the weather is beautiful nearly year round and the surroundings just as beautiful. I feel blessed to live in such a wonderful place.
I used to work as an Systems Engineer for a large corporation until 5 months ago, when I quit the job to follow my spiritual path. It is said that if you leap, the net will appear. That is what I have done and so far I haven't been allowed to smash into the ground. If you're not familiar with that saying, stick with me and I will cover that topic in a follow-on post.
So anyways, I was inspired to quit this job after months of study and contemplation upon this existence we call life on earth. Have you ever wondered why we do what we do? Do you think about your future and whether your job provides meaning to your existence? Well those questions, and more, were on my mind and were preventing me from focusing on my 'work'. One day after spending 8 hours in front of my terminal and not accomplishing anything, I made the decision to make a change. My goal was to focus on my spiritual development, photographic talents, and to be of service to others.
So here I am 5 months later. Most of those 5 months spent in intense study, contemplation, and discovery of topics covering aspects of spirituality and manifestation. Of course, these 5 months only represent a fraction of the actual time I've spent studying these concepts; I just felt the need/urge to make this study a full-time effort in order to proceed with my purpose in life. Yes, that is what ultimately drove me to this path. Once I discovered my purpose, there was no turning back. Now, I am in the process of practicing digital photography and syncing the photographic results with a spiritual perspective.
Which gets me back to my intention for this blog.... to support you on your path of discovery. My hope is that the information I provide in this space will provide some insight or pointer that'll resonate with you. I intend to entertain, inform, and hopefuly provide some beauty into your space through my photographs and verse.
To keep this short, I will close this post by referencing you to one of the teachers who I have found very a valuable and inspiring resource on this path. His name is Nick Arandes and he is also known as the Radical Kid. Nick's Manifesting Miracles course was a truly enlightening and helpful exprience. I highly recommend it for its simple and easy to understand presentation of one way to achieve your goals and desires. You can find out more about Nick here: http://www.theradicalkid.com/.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite sunset pics, shot in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Till next time....